Lac Du Flambeau Real Estate Listings

Lac Du Flambeau and Northern Wisconsin waterfront property, residential real estate, commercial property for sale as well as Lots & Land Property For Sale by LASIER REALTY.

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Featured Property For Sale in Lac Du Flambeau WI

Lac Du Flambeau WI Residential Properties For Sale

Why you'd want to live in Lac Du Flambeau

The Town of Lac du Flambeau is in the southwest corner of Vilas County. The name means Lake of the Torches, which came from the French who ventured here and saw the Ojibwe Indians spearing fish by torchlight at night. The Town of Lac du Flambeau is in the southwest corner of Vilas County. The name means Lake of the Torches, which came from the French who ventured here and saw the Ojibwe Indians spearing fish by torchlight at night.